OptraMed specializes in the modernization of the workplace. From hardware and software enablement and training to security and compliance audits.  
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person holding white tablet computer
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closeup photo of eyeglasses


Security & Compliance

Governance and security are a must to prevent information from getting in the wrong hands. Security lapses are on the rise due to remote work, bad actors, and other changes in the way the world does business. Regardless of your needs, we’ll help you develop a catalog of your data, perform internal and third-party audits, assess your current recovery capabilities, and create a roadmap for keeping your data and systems secure.


Workplace & Device Modernization

New technologies not only will add enormous medical value but also will shift the healthcare landscape. Healthcare tech that is able to integrate into product development and delivery processes will stand to gain revenue and market power. While most of these advances are still emerging, companies will need time to develop the capabilities necessary for speedy integration. Rather than wait to see the technologies mature, smart executives will start preparing now.

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img IX mining rig inside white and gray room


Infrastructure Modernization

For decades, organizations spent CAPEX for on-prem hardware and staff to maintain hardware. Today, many are migrating to full cloud infrastructure or hybrid cloud. This change reduces spending from a capital expenditure to an operational expenditure with almost limitless options and tens of thousands of dollars in savings per year. Also adding increased data processing power resiliency, reliability, protection, redundancy, and availability. We have helped dozens of clients make the move to the cloud that meets their needs.

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grayscale photo of person holding glass


Security testing and training

Criminal organizations, nation-states, hacktivists, or script-kiddies may be testing your organization for exploitable vulnerabilities. But why? some are just a nuisance, others want your data or a ransom. We've tested many organizations' networks for vulnerabilities, lapses in compliance, and even the human factor with social engineering. We develop a thorough report, work with you to resolve or mitigate vulnerabilities, and even train your staff.

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